Thursday 31 March 2011

Busy, busy, busy - open day coming up on April 9th

Very busy getting ready for our open day at the HEART centre in Headingley.  Its a beautiful venue; eco friendly and with a lovely cafe.  Have invested in an A-board to pop outside the centre.  Have some slightly silly but fun (and secretly educational) activities planned for the day. Then I have my daughter's 14th birthday party to look forward to the following day (Oh, actually I'm not invited to that one, just doing all the work...).

We are having an open day!

Saturday 9th April 10am until 4pm

In the Claremont room at the Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre, Bennett Road
Headingley Leeds 6

All welcome!

Fun (if slightly silly) activities for everyone, include:
Try your hand at childbirth
 Help baby work their way through the pelvis. Try your hand at being a midwife. (OK, it’s not a real baby!).

The nappy change challenge

Scared of changing a nappy?  You should be!
Can you change baby’s nappy in 5 minutes or less?
          Similar to a popular 1970s family game … only messier.

Come and meet us and find out about our classes and events.

Friday 4 March 2011