Thursday 22 September 2011

We are up and rolling

Well, the September classes at the HEART centre went really well (and were well evaluated by the participants). It was good fun as well to have a nice small group where we could really get some discussion going! Apart from some minor hiccups initially the venue worked very well also. I was planning on running some October classes but have so much to do at the moment, trying not to hide from my accountant, filing my accounts (sooo NOT good with sums), developing further courses and products, building a public profile, networking, networking, networking, updating some changes to the business (am now sole director), trying to find time for sleep and personal hygiene, etc.  Therefore, my next batch of courses is going to be in November and December, as I need plenty of time to promote the courses. Something not really appreciated in our original plans was how much time it takes to try and promote particular products when you are a completely unknown company.  People seem more likely to respond to a particular course date, rather than the generic 'come and see what we offer' type of advertising. I've also made some links with the Happy Baby Nursery in Headingley and subsequently have a new venue! I've got a one day couples class lined up there on the 12th November and I have got a few people interested in doing a postnatal early days course so I might see if I can develop a little half day course before Christmas.  I am still being inundated with potential midwifery students wanting to do voluntary work with me, despite posting on my website that I can't offer student placements or voluntary work.  I feel too guilty to just ignore them so I spend a bit of time pointing them in the right direction as well!  Maybe they will mention BBAB if they come across any potential clients?!